
JohnnyIcon.net is online!

Posted By: scott On:

Hi all,

Through the years I have worked on a number of different projects, from Icon and The Black Roses to Ace of Hearts and Digital Ghost.




  1. Sharon
    15th December 2018 at 9:14 am

    I have all your albums and love the Digital Ghost songs too, wish I could get them on cd. Have liked you ever since Icon and the Black Roses, back when I was an avid HIM fan, still am a Ville Valo fan.
    Looking forward very much to your new music. If it is as brilliant as all the rest, wow! can’t wait.
    Best Wishes.

    • Johnny Icon
      31st December 2018 at 11:41 am

      Hi Sharon. Thank you for the kind words and sharing our music. We are just in the process of releasing Digital Ghost’s new album Mirror Infinite. We are thinking of making a physical CD with some of the Supernova tracks on it. Watch this space! Johnny

  2. Jeanette
    27th September 2019 at 5:54 am

    Why is the Tattoo song with digital ghost not available for sale? I can’t find it anywhere except u-tube. I’ve listened to some of the others available all 5 of them. Why put them out there if you can’t purchase what you want??

    • Johnny Icon
      28th November 2019 at 5:55 pm

      Hi Jeanette. Good question! I am my own label so don’t get everything right first time. We are thinking of making a re-issue which would then be available on all platforms. Maybe with the release of Digital Ghost’s new album next year.

    • Johnny Icon
      16th June 2020 at 7:25 pm

      Hi there. Sorry for the late reply. We have not got that one in stock but we are considering a re-issue. Watch this space

  3. Jeanette Stone
    10th November 2020 at 5:44 am

    I am obsessed with your song Tattoo. I have a soundtrack of it from you tube. The lyrics click with my life. Is it on a cd album that I could purchase? I’ve listened to quite a few songs you have the tone and body of songs that mean something in my life. Your voice is soothing and just great. I’m always looking for songs in that genre. I have to admit that George Michael is my all time favorite but always looking forward to something new. Thanks for providing another outlet for my emotions.

    • Johnny Icon
      13th December 2020 at 11:03 am

      Hi Jeanette. Tattoo was in Digital Ghost’s first EP which we have never released officially. We are currently remastering it and will post it on the usual digital outlets soon. I am actually not the singer on that one, it is David Morgan who does a lot of my backing singing on Icon and Lannon! I am really happy you like our music. Johnny

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